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Research & Insights in neuroscience and artificial intelligence applications from Dolle Communications, Orange County, Cal...
This section features our earlier efforts & research with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with an overview of cognition and sensory processing mechanisms, 2003-06 AI applications, and prospective uses of technology. Neuro-Compensatory Mechanisms "Neuro-Compensatory Mechanisms" assist our brains in learning and adjusting to ever-changing conditions and events around us, from aging and injury to the increasing demands of life and work. There are numerous compensatory or learning techniques in use today that stimulate the formation of new synapses in the brain, necessary to executing new skills and behavior. Some of these are through biofeedback and meditation that opens up new communication with the sub-conscious mind. In clinical studies, PET, fMRI, and SPECT imaging are able to show specific thought and behavior processes. According to new findings published on neuroplasticity, the human brain is designed to meet the demands of new skills and learning placed on it, as well as adapt to skills lost due to age and injury. Very often, this adaptation is not a smooth transition, and for this reason today various forms of AI Technologies are used to reduce risks, and aid performance and outcome. Many of these are in medical applications, where drugs, medical devices, and hybrid procedures are used as medical interventions to help one's brain overcome extenuating disease or injury. The following multi-media guide on the human brain depicts structures commonly affected by tumor, stroke, injury, and patho-physiological change. We may not always be aware, but we employ selective compensatory mechanisms in our daily routines. Athletes, entertainers, surgeons, military personnel, and others who work in high risk occupations must employ advanced compensatory mechanisms in sustaining cognitive performance to complete their high level tasks. Individuals with neurological impairment, or deficit as it is termed, require more tailored compensatory techniques to stimulate specific areas of their brain. Through a variety of neuro-compensatory therapies and interventions, assistive technologies are widely used in these individuals today to strengthen cognitive deficits, mental awareness, balance and coordination, pain intolerance, and productivity. Artificial intelligence devices can now also help in studying the mind during everyday tasks, working with biofeedback, learning systems, psychotherapy, a variety of Eastern practices, faith practices, and mind/body work. Some techniques have shown success in enhancing physical and mental performance. Civilizations have employed many of these techniques over the ages, but the role of AI technology in these practices is in its infancy. Neuro-Compensatory (Alternative Health) Applications Today Neuro-compensatory techniques that have found use in enhancing cognitive function, pain management, and overall well-being today, include, Music & Art Therapy, Drum Circles, Biofeedback, Yoga, Meditation, Faith practices, Hypnosis, and Vestibular Therapy. Each has its strength and sub-specialties. Published works have demonstrated a number of benefits, and efficacy. The following is our own Sensory Integration Study that revealed a critical cause and effect relationship between the rhythm, or syncopation, of room noise and cognitive function. Many of these therapies today can be integrated with an AI device, PC, or mobile phone, and the subsequent data can be managed to enhance cognitive and skills performance. Digital audio recorders can also be used to further these techniques. For Spiritual and Faith practices, Yoga, Meditation, and Music & Art, technology could also compromise its benefits if used improperly, altering the dynamics of its methods. But where memory and cognition issues are present, technology can outweigh these tradeoffs. We have explored techniques in Music and Art Therapy and Drum Circles to aid health and cognition, and found these to act as a catalyst for learning, and to be helpful in the neurological and overall health. Our own Sensory Integration Study supports these conclusions. Percussion instruments, such as the "djembe" drum, can enhance brain function. Performing of music and art improves spatial, analytical, and creative brain function, key ingredients necessary for learning. Soothing music, such as this Evening Solstice song, and music from Neuro-Pop Research, enhance brain function through emotion and relaxation. The above methods can assist those suffering from stroke, multiple sclerosis, autism, Parkinson's disease, hydrocephalus, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, migraine, and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). A question that has confounded scientists for many years is whether "Spiritual sensation" is actually a sense, or type of "6th Sense." Books, movies, and Spiritual writings indicate its existence, yet science has yet to formally confirm how it might exist. It appears, in part to be the foundation for many of the benefits provided through Compensatory and alternative therapies, and is viewed to be pivotal to numerous creative and intuitive abilities of modern artists, scientists, businessmen, and religious and political leaders. AI Technology Applications in Cognitive Health and Performance We respond to events around us that can be measured in seconds or less in making our appropriate choice. Those choices are often key to determining success, or failure at a task. This cause and effect relationship exists in all tasks, whether menial or critically complex. Since time and life are not static, but rather are ever changing, it places a sizable burden on individuals during critical decision-making. We learn and prepare for decision-making events through training and education, which today is increasingly supported with information technology. Whether you are a pilot flying a commercial airliner, a pitcher in a major league baseball game, or a police, fire, or military personnel in the line of duty - your field and each position utilizes specific information technology, often based on AI, or artificial intelligence. We have found an increase in readiness, and a corresponding decrease in response time to stimuli, through regular playing of rhythm and percussion instruments. It is worth noting that the human brain appears able to "subconsciously" count rapid rhythmic beats through "pattern and progression recognition," perhaps as much as ten-fold faster than random and separate items or events. Once a task is underway, its success is often more a function of correct real-time decision-making, since it's too late for additional preparation. The readiness of the person's mind is critical in order for he/she to think clearly and act correctly. Any hesitation or doubt as to the correct decision, tends to lead to a wrong decision. As much as AI applications are used, few are designed to help place one's mind in the ideal state of "readiness" for when that moment of decision arrives. Such an AI application would require measured communications with each individual's sub-conscious and super-conscious brain activity. The device would then need to translate the measured information into practical mechanisms to reprogram one's brain in order to ideally carry out real-time task performance as it comes due. New industry and task specific information technology continues to narrow the human fallibility gap. But few if any actually use AI measured applications to understand and reprogram sub-conscious and super-conscious thought. AI applications can be made to collect and process thought into useful data in a manner that will lead to peak mental performance. They can help in everyday tasks, aid individuals with cognitive deficits, or enhance a specific performance in professional athletes, firefighters, police, or military personnel. There are as yet many functions of the human brain, psyche, and Spirit which we do not understand - and it is technology that is helping us explain these mysteries. AI will help us learn why some individuals after a brain injury or serious illness, seem to develop extraordinary skills and intuition. For example, cyclist, Lance Armstrong, won his first Tour de France only after overcoming an extensive bout with cancer - which he writes in his book, "It's Not About the Bike." He writes it enabled him to reprogram his thinking and acquire new disciplines for his sport. He then went on to win six championships. Today, new AI technology applications lag neuroscience discoveries by an average of ten or more years. Many wonder why. The primary issue is that new technology development requires a real sense of vision, strong market research, leadership, sufficient funding, and experience in sales and marketing to bring these products to market. Today's AI devices include new mobile phone technology, PDA's, digital audio recorders, digital cameras, watches, and wearable devices. Mobile phones have taken the lead role in offering the most widely available AI technology. Today, only a small portion of users fully understand AI device features. Mobile phones can also run personal health monitoring applications, like our patented DiaCeph Test that non-invasively monitors the condition, hydrocephalus, and enables improved everyday care and quality of life, as well as more detailed information for physicians. There are a multitude of other health monitoring applications. Today's PC synchronized digital recorders enable many AI type applications, and start at about $75.00. These devices can be used to record "on the fly" memos, conversation tid-bits, music, and notes of on-going projects. When the devices are synchronized with a PC, files can be named, archived, and programmed to play at specific times. Program it to awake you to your favorite song, a line from a movie or TV show, an inspirational message from Dr. Phil, or from a distant friend or relative. It can be used to play a comforting message to a family member confined to long term care, or inspire an athlete or military personnel to prepare for a challenge. 60 Minutes ran a February 2005 feature story how the U.S. military is implementing new stress reduction techniques on the battlefields of Iraq, "Brain Rangers' Fight Iraq Stress." Today's digital recorders could be used to aid combat stress on the battlefield. See also our own Neuro Compensatory (Vestibular) Study, which studied deficits arising from the hippocampus area of the brain, also common with post traumatic stress disorder. Our study focused on mechanisms known to stimulate the hippocampus, and corresponds with CNN's March 27, 2005 "Memory" Series and the role played by the hippocampus in memory. Undoubtedly, as more AI technology is put in use, we will further learn about adapting it to human behavior, and to understand our very subtle thought and neurological events. AI will aid advances in implantable pain management devices as they become capable of assessing pain physiology, and then tailor a measured response to each type of pain. AI technology of the future will provide on demand neuro-data assessment, enable individually tailored brain mapping, and integrate the data into applications that will generate specific cues and assistive directions. For more information, contact us via this web site. |