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Cognitive Neurosciences
Drumming, Music Therapy, Sensory Processing, and Technology Applications in the Cognitive Neurosciences This is page is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Some of the content was previously hosted under Science & Technology. This new Cognitive Neuroscience page lists all of our hydrocephalus, mHealth, brain, music, and drumming on one page. These Cognitive Neuroscience products & services are directed towards businesses, schools, health organizations, and individuals seeking assistance with learning, brain health, hydrocephalus, and drumming. Our pioneering efforts are supported by 20 years of field work and research. Please continue to follow our efforts as we add content to this cognitive neurosciences web section.
Below you will our related web pages and blogs. Since 2015, Stephen has been writing almost exclusively on his blog.
Cognitive Neurosciences Web Page & Blog Content: 1. Drum Circles - What are they? 3. Drum Circles in the Workplace SEE also on our Blog:
Drumming for sensory processing disorders:
On our blog:
*SEE also on our blog
*SEE also drumming for wellness, sensory processing disorders 8. Sensory Processing Disorders Study SEE a related blog below:
SEE also Tips and New Treatments in Managing Sound Sensory Processing Disorder
10. AI Technology 11. Hydrocephalus SEE also mHealth topics on our blog 12. Hydrocephalus Monitoring Services SEE also on our blog below:
13. DiaCeph mHealth Test for Hydrocephalus *SEE also our related blog 14. Shunt Selection Model for Hydrocephalus 15. Sensory Processing Disorders SEE our related blog on Tip and New Treatments:
16. mHealth Applications
17. Weather App helps Management of Migraine Headache (FREE Android download)
SEE also our Drumming for Workplace blog & web pages.
Earlier Cognitive Neuroscience: AI Technology, Music & Drumming, Hydrocephalus, and Cognition Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a term broadly used to refer to technology or devices which incorporate "interactive logic reasoning" to assist an individual in carrying out cognitive tasks. There are near endless applications of AI possible with technology today. Much of this was made possible through widespread use of computerized chipsets (eg. Intel), by PC makers (eg. Dell), software makers (eg. Microsoft), and Palm devices (eg. Hewlett Packard). AI technologies today are incorporated into everything from automobiles to gaming, multi-media, and communications devices. It is within telecommunications where AI has made the biggest impact today. A question which has confounded scientists for many years is whether "Spiritual sensation" is actually a "6th Sense." Books, movies, and Spiritual writings indicate its existence, yet science has yet to formally confirm it as a sensory function, perhaps as it tends to occur in certain individuals, and to varying degrees. It appears, at least in part, to be the foundation for many of the benefits provided through Compensatory and alternative therapies, and is viewed as pivotal to creative and intuitive abilities of many modern artists, scientists, businessmen, religious and political leaders. This multi-media guide on the human brain identifies many common structures. AI systems are able to analyze and archive data as observed and input through the brain. In more sophisticated forms, AI can be integrated to transform everyday human thought into a highly sophisticated framework of archiveable experiences, thereby expanding our human capability. There are as yet many functions of the human brain, psyche, and Spirit which we do not understand - and it is technology that is helping us explain these mysteries. AI will help us learn why some individuals after a brain injury or serious illness, seem to develop extraordinary skills and intuition. For instance, cyclist, Lance Armstrong, did not win his first Tour de France until after he underwent an extensive bout with cancer. He writes in his book, "It's Not About the Bike," that the cancer enabled him to reprogram his thinking and acquire new disciplines in his sport. He then went on to win six championships. There are a number of neuro-compensatory techniques that have shown efficacy in enhancing cognitive function, pain management, and overall well-being. These include: biofeedback, yoga, meditation, faith and religious practices, music & art, hypnosis, and vestibular therapy. Each has their strength, and many sub-specialties. Published works detail their benefits and efficacy. Biofeedback and vestibular therapies currently incorporate data monitoring. Yoga and meditation could be integrated into electronic data monitoring. Simple digital recorders can monitor and track progress with these techniques. In consideration of numerous spiritual practices today, technology could also interfere with outcomes by altering the dynamics of free flow of thought and energy. Where memory and cognition issues are present, however, AI's usefulness outweighs these concerns. We have explored techniques in Music and Art Therapy and Drum Circles in general health and cognition, and found both to act as a catalyst to learning and better health. We are writing specific application protocols using Drum Circles to improve non-verbal communication in business, sports, and social gatherings. Percussion instruments, such as the djembe drum, induce healing also through Spiritual means. Performing of music & art improves spatial, analytical, and free-thinking cognitive skills, as well as stimulates interest and comprehension in learning (enhanced anticipation factor. These modalities aid those suffering from neurological changes associated stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, hydrocephalus, dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, and other disorders. Here are therapeutic song & drumming samples: Stephen has published the results of his own study on Auditory Sensory Integration and cognitive function, where he studied the neurological affects of various rhythm patterns on a metronome. He found a striking relationship between waveforms of audible rhythm and cognitive function, and discusses controlled uses of rhythm to therapeutically desensitize or compensate the brains of those most affected by sensory overload. Our findings might help schools understand the challenges that children face in class in grades K through 12, and similarly that employers face in training their work force. Published studies implicate the pressures of modern living and over-exposure to PCs, audio/visual players, electronic gaming, and noise on sensory processing/limitations of the brain. The TV program 60 Minutes aired a February 2005 feature, "Brain Rangers' Fight Iraq Stress," on the U.S. military's latest efforts in Iraq to thwart "post traumatic stress disorder" among troops in battle. Our Auditory Sensory Integration Study also explored the relationship between headache, neuro-hypersensitivities, and cognitive deficits in hydrocephalus, where complaints involving the hippocampus of the brain are very similar to those experienced by persons with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our research concurred with the benefits of trying various alternative therapeutic and biofeedback therapies. AI technology devices today include mobile phones, PDA's, digital audio recorders, digital cameras, watches, and wearable devices. We earlier lobbied Hewlett Packard's PDA division and others to explore additional AI applications with PDAs and mobile phones. Ongoing research into "assistive technology" applications today continues at the Trace Center in Wisconsin and the Coleman Institute in Colorado. Smart phones have taken the technological lead in hand held AI applications. Microsoft and Apple continue to introduce new platforms for mobile phones, but only a relatively small percentage of users seems to embrace these phones as AI devices, which we discuss further under Assistive Technology and AI Technology. We also discuss in depth the challenges and mandates posed by Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act as they apply to accessibility of mobile phones, PCs, and technology for persons with cognitive (neurological, learning, aging) disorders. In the future, AI will aid people in everyday tasks, especially those with cognitive and memory deficits, and will greatly enhance the mental performance of athletes, firefighters, police, and military personnel. New implantable pain management devices will also be able to read pain physiology and tailor a specific signal for each type/degree of pain. We help companies and organizations through public speaking, consulting, marketing, and public information campaigns. DiaCeph Test: Non-Invasive Monitoring of Hydrocephalus The DiaCeph Test is a neurological software device for non-invasive monitoring of CNS shunts and hydrocephalus. The device samples specific clinical parameters, and translates these via a series of algorithms into indicators of shunt performance and intracranial pressure (ICP). It can help detect early onset of CNS shunt malfunction, provide shunt performance data, help in selecting the most physiologic shunt, and help in determining the best pressure setting in programmable valves. It also helps identify the specific system components that may need surgical revision. Regular use of this device enables it to function as a disease management program by archiving detailed data on patient status over a period of time. It is intended for use by patients, family members, care givers, medical office staff, physicians, and researchers, and for patients who are able to respond to queries. The device was designed by Stephen Dolle to bring progress to the use of CNS shunts for hydrocephalus. He observed a void in the availability of "efficacious diagnostic technology" for CNS shunt malfunction and valve matching. The DiaCeph Test has been described as a visionary approach to understanding in-vivo performance of CNS shunts. The technology remains current, with no technology yet filling this diagnostic void. Our updated paper, Shunt Selection Model, discusses the latest practice with our protocol for the DiaCeph Test and in-office ICP shunt tap. Our site hosts leading research, diagnostic technology, and regulatory affairs insights on CNS shunts used in the treatment of hydrocephalus. This condition results when excess cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) accumulates inside the brain. It occurs in-utero, and can follow brain tumors, cysts, trauma, meningitis, adolescent changes, and older age. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke provides medical information and links on hydrocephalus and other neurological disorders. A great deal of our neurosciences content is applicable to brain injury and neurological disorders, such as migraines, Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, Parkinson's Disease, and learning disabilities. You can navigate these application through the Neurosciences, Music and AI Research links below. For more information, Contact Us.